Reward Of Wisdom

Taken from Proverbs 3.

Keeping the lords commands does certain things for us. They give us certain benefits. I have taken them out of the scripture and put them in this blog. Remember that he can command us daily, we walk after the spirit not the flesh.

Benefits of walking in wisdom:

Add length to your days.
Not enough time in your days...doing what the world wants you to do and not what God wants you to do. Follow the lords commands and your days will be longer. Grace to you.

Years and peace to your life.

Favor and high regard with God and man.

In all your ways if you acknowledge him, he will make your paths straight.

Being not wise in your own eyes but fearing the lord. This brings healing and refreshment to your physical body.

Honor the Lord with wealth and first fruits and you will overflow with new wine.

The lord only disciplines those who he loves so do not reject it when he disciplines and rebukes you.

Wisdom is more profitable than silver and gold.

Wisdom is more precious than rubies.

Long life, riches and honor are in her hands.

All her ways are pleasant and peaceful.

She is a tree of life to those who embrace her. And those who hold her are blessed.

The Lord used Wisdom to find earth and understanding to establish the heavens.
In all your getting get understanding.


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