The dangers of a controlling God

It is a dangerous thing to say and believe that God is in control of everything. If he is in control of everything one would have to say that he is the one who steal, kills, and destroys. One would also have to say that he is the one who gives joy, peace, goodness, kindness, long suffering, and teaches us patience, and to enjoy what he gives us. How would we be able to enjoy one thing and then the next day he makes us ill.... how do we worship him as the overcomer when hes the one killing people...
These are questions that we continue to skip over when we say "God is in control".

On the other hand, the side of sonship, if God is in control how or why should we pray...
what is the point of prayer if God already knows the outcome, hes already defeated the enemy, yet hes the one that put the sickness which is the enemy onto us....
If God is in control then why are we laying hands on the sick if he made that person sick...if God is in control then he should be the one to heal the person.....

If any of these questions are rattling your head, hallelujah thats a great thing. We must realize as believer that the Lord through Jesus Christ has given us, his children, all authority on heaven and on earth to heal the sick, to cast out devils, to raise the dead. He gave us the freedom to do so. Jesus said that if we have the faith of a mustard seed we would speak to the mountain and it would move. What do you see as a mountain in your issues.... all of these are mountains in a persons life. It is up to us to use the faith that we have to speak to these mountains. I hope this knocks on your heart today my friends. God Bless You.


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