Angelic Encounters!

So I had opened my heart to this before and then they had stopped but just recently I have gotten more excited by it. That is seeing angels, in visions, seeing them in the spirit daily and receiving certain things they want to give to me. I would like to share just a few that ive had so far.

Just the other day at work while i was listening to a sermon on a podcast I saw an angel in the spirit walk over and stand next to me, then it started breathing fire and covering my whole body. As it was hitting me I just kept getting the release of the anointing. After that I looked up and saw a giant bald eagle with its body full of flames.

I was recently walking my dogs at around 3-4 in the morning and as I was walking back to the house I saw a line of angels coming through a portal to my house and they went on top of the roof in a circle and in the middle of the circle I saw Jesus on his throne.

Now sometimes the angels don't look very angelic which is fine, we just cant get scared of them. Jesus said to fear not for it is the fathers good will to give us the kingdom. ANGELS ARE PART OF THE KINGDOM. I say that to say this, sometimes angels don't look very angelic, what ive gotten from them are usually scriptures of what to read. Like just recently I was told by one Matthew 11.

And last but not least for now me and my wife went to a hookah lounge and one of her coworkers, my old coworker as well, came and joined us. As he was talking I saw out of the corner of my eye in the spirit an angel that was singing beautiful opera...and then a little later in the same hookah lounge I looked up and saw an angel that was tall. He looked down at me and gave me a thumbs up.

My friends do not be afraid of what we get in the kingdom. These are all heavenly realities, if you are waiting to die to get these realities then understand that you have died with christ on the cross. You are right now as jesus is, on earth as he is in heaven. We have accesss to it all. Blessings, mercy, and peace to all who read these words. Amen!


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