Every time I get into a spiritual warfare/ debate with someone who is demonica lly influenced the question and answer usually stops when the Lord has me ask a question blatantly calls out what they are beating around the bush to say . Understand that if it's not God doing some thing then it has to be someone else, and if it's not you doing some thing then it has to be the devil if it is not good . Understand also that this is a very dangerous way of thinking beca use in this thought process we let the devil have A LOT OF POWER AND AUTHO RITY. Claiming that God doesn't do a mighty work, yet the work happened not of your own hands gives the work up to either the devil or if some is comple tely in delusion they could just blame it on mother nature . Some thing or someone has to be accomplished, that is why there are courts in heaven, for the judges to sit, judge, and rule the nations in love and accurate discernment. So again if not God then who? Who is th...
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