Groanings Birth Creativity!

 A few days ago while groaning in prayer i received a vision, in this vision i saw a man come out of a house and he picked up a hammer from the ground and used the hammer to create art. I than heard the spirit say "Groanings birth creativity". 

After this encounter I sat and thought about the art aspect and how interesting it could be, the possibilities also with other tools, mainly because i did not own a hammer. 


Today i walked over to the post office to check the mail, whenever i walk there i have to cross a road that is usually pretty busy. I checked the mail and as i'm coming back and about to cross to go back home, i see in the road a HAMMER. My initial thought was "that's dangerous" but then i thought back about my vision and took that as God providing me a hammer! 

I brought the hammer home and shared the story with a couple people, but i also had this thought that we really do need to be spirit minded when it comes to everyday life. We do not want to miss out on anything God has for us, we should remain open to receiving the blessings even if they come to us in odd ways. 

My final thought on this so far is that we definitely need to understand Christ is not condemning us, and that the spirit gives life but the letter kills. An example of this would be that i could have easily gotten condemned in thinking that maybe i shouldn't have picked up the hammer, what if that's considered stealing, would the person that dropped it come back for it? but on the other end of that is, well it was dangerous that the hammer was in the road, God forbid someone get a popped tire because of it, or if the hit it a certain way and it flew up someone could have gotten seriously injured. 

We must be spirit minded, the spirit over rides all of these thoughts and lets us know to be at peace, God has his ways to provide everything for us. We cannot continually remain with a guilty conscience in everything that we do. 

In conclusion, this was all brought up and happened beginning with prayers in the spirit, spiritual groaning. Jesus said those who believe in him as the scriptures have said, Out of his belly will flow rivers of living water. Stay praying in the spirit. Amen


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