This morning as i was getting ready to eat my breakfast and drink my coffee, i closed my eyes to engage with the communion and the supper of the Lord. As i closed my eyes the eyes of my heart were opened and i saw my coffee and danish there, i looked at the coffee and it had turned into blood, not only did it turn into blood but i saw drops of blood going into it when suddenly i saw above me jesus hanging on the cross with his blood dripping down his body and dripping into my cup. I then looked at the danish and saw the nail scarred hands. I share this with you not to freak you out or to sound creepy, but to show you that the covenant communion is a reality. The spirit realm is more real than this earth realm, but the earth realm shadows the spiritual realm. The Lord told the huge group to drink his blood and eat his flesh, he meant it in the spiritual sense but it also means to walk after him, to follow what he tells you to do. On that day many people left Jesus becau...