Uni what?
So i had been questioning a group of Universalists for a short bit in a facebook group and I am willing to admit they put up some scriptures that are understandable as to why they believe in universalism, but I am not saying that they converted me. I knew that yes they used scripture to defend themselves but there are also scriptures that tear down the universal belief. Lots of scriptures that a universalist will provide usually say something about God in ALL of us, or THROUGH all of us. They take the “ALL” to mean everyone in the world. Those that are not new to cherry picking can, for the most part, read the context around each scripture and realize that taking the “all” to mean everyone in the world is very faulty, and here is why. I was seeking the Lord on this and he showed me something very simple to understand about the epistles and the letters to the churches. He showed me an orientation room like the theme park “universal”. He showed me that in an orientation for a job th...